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奖学金 & 奖助金


美高梅mgm平台相信 a Roberts education is an investment in your future.  因为美高梅mgm平台对学生们在这里的变革经历充满信心, we offer many grants and scholarships to help them afford college. 美高梅mgm平台希望私立大学能够为家庭提供方便和负担得起的机会.

*美高梅mgm平台 reserves the right to change awards, amounts and eligibility criteria without prior notice. For detailed information, please view the financial aid section of the catalog.


Academic scholarships are based on a combination of High School GPA and SAT/ACT scores at the time of admittance; only average qualifications are listed below. 获奖者将获得符合资格的单一最高奖项,并将收到他们的录取通知书以及他们的经济援助信.

列出的奖励金额适用于2023年秋季首次入学美高梅mgm平台的新生. 请参考以前的目录,了解2023年秋季之前入学的奖学金/助学金颁发信息.

Freshman 学术奖学金

B.T. Roberts Scholarship - Full Tuition

三名学生将获得扣除其他罗伯茨学生的全额学费奖学金, 联邦, and state grants and scholarships. 学生必须参加 Academic Scholarship Celebration 要符合资格. 该奖学金将根据活动期间的面试情况颁发, 一篇文章, and high school academic performance. 本次奖学金的三名获奖者将在活动结束后三周内得到通知.

Trustee Scholarship - $22,000 per year

的 Trustee Scholarship awards $22,对于从2023年秋季开始入学的一年级学生,并且表现出与罗伯茨卫斯理学院目标一致的品格的获奖者,每年将获得10,000美元的奖学金. 奖学金每年更新一次,前提是学生至少保持2年以上的学习成绩.0 cumulative grade point average.

Presidential Scholarship - $20,000 per year

的 Presidential Scholarship awards $20,对于从2023年秋季开始入学的一年级学生,并且表现出与罗伯茨卫斯理学院目标一致的品格的获奖者,每年将获得10,000美元的奖学金. 奖学金每年更新一次,前提是学生至少保持2年以上的学习成绩.0 cumulative grade point average.

Dean's Scholarship - $18,000 per year

的 Dean’s Scholarship awards $18,对于从2023年秋季开始入学的一年级学生,并且表现出与罗伯茨卫斯理学院目标一致的品格的获奖者,每年将获得10,000美元的奖学金. 奖学金每年更新一次,前提是学生至少保持2年以上的学习成绩.0 cumulative grade point average.

Founder's Scholarship - $14,000 per year

的 Founder’s Scholarship awards $14,对于从2023年秋季开始入学的一年级学生,并且表现出与罗伯茨卫斯理学院目标一致的品格的获奖者,每年将获得10,000美元的奖学金. 奖学金每年更新一次,前提是学生至少保持2年以上的学习成绩.0 cumulative grade point average.

Roberts Opportunity Grant - $10,000 per year

罗伯茨机会奖学金每年奖励10,000美元给被录取的获奖者 first-time full-time freshman students 从2023年秋季开始 并代表了与美高梅mgm平台目标一致的品格. 的 scholarship is renewed annually.


    • Awarded to students who do not qualify for any 学术奖学金.

Transfer 学术奖学金

美高梅mgm平台 is transfer-friendly, offering a wide range of scholarships to incoming transfer students. 从众多选择中选择 专业及课程 并体验学生们已经开始欣赏的个人关注.

Dean's Scholarship | $18,000 | Cumulative GPA of 3.6或以上

对于那些在2023年春季及以后开始的第一次转学生, the Dean’s Scholarship awards $18,每年颁发给品格与美高梅mgm平台目标一致的受助人. 受助人的累积平均绩点必须在3分以上.6 at the most recent college attended full-time. 奖学金每年更新一次,前提是学生至少保持2年以上的学习成绩.0 cumulative grade point average.

Director’s Scholarship | $16,000 | Cumulative GPA of 3.3 - 3.59

对于那些在2023年春季及以后开始的第一次转学生, the Director’s Scholarship awards $16,每年颁发给品格与美高梅mgm平台目标一致的受助人. 奖学金每年更新一次,前提是学生至少保持2年以上的学习成绩.0 cumulative grade point average. Recipients must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 to 3.59 at the most recent college attended full-time.

Founder's Scholarship | $14,000 | Cumulative GPA of 3.0 - 3.29

对于那些在2023年春季及以后开始的第一次转学生, the Founder's Scholarship awards $14,每年颁发给品格与美高梅mgm平台目标一致的受助人. 奖学金每年更新一次,前提是学生至少保持2年以上的学习成绩.0 cumulative grade point average. Recipients must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 to 3.29 at the most recent college attended full-time.

Phi 的ta Kappa Award | $2,000

Phi 的ta Kappa荣誉协会的成员可以获得学术优秀奖学金外加额外的2美元,000. This is stackable and renewable. Must meet following criteria:

其他奖学金 & 奖助金

的re are a variety of scholarships we provide based on merit. 的se will be reflected in your final award letter.

Major or Performance-based awards

的se are given based on artistic ability, 特殊利益集团, involvement in clubs or organizations, 或者其他认识.


Awards are made 每年 to talented students who show promise in art. 


  • Satisfactory academic records and unusual proficiency in art.
  • Art portfolio review with the art faculty.
  • Pursuing a degree within the 视觉艺术系:
    • 艺术教育
    • 数字媒体艺术
    • 平面设计
    • 版画
    • 3 d(陶瓷 & 雕塑)
    • 2D (Drawing, Painting, and 版画)
    • 摄影
    • 工作室艺术


更多信息请访问 艺术系网站.

Music Scholarship (Full Tuition Guarantees Available)

每年都有奖励给在音乐方面有前途的天才学生,奖金从1美元到1美元不等,000 to $6,000.

奖学金 are granted based on:

  • 性能水平.
  • Potential to succeed in the Music Department.



更多信息请访问 音乐系网站.

Golden Apple Scholarship (Teacher Education)

罗伯茨卫斯理学院与News 8和Advantage Federal Credit Union合作,奖励10美元,1名本科师范生可获得10000金苹果奖学金. Detailed information can be found on the Golden Apple Scholarship application page.



Christian Ministries Dependent Grant



父母是罗伯茨卫斯理学院校友的学生将获得一份 1000美元的奖学金 每年.



罗伯茨卫斯理学院(Roberts Wesleyan College)的“青年生活”学生四年可获得4000美元. Detailed information can be found on the 青年生活奖学金 page.


所有黑人奖学金毕业生每年将额外获得1000美元的奖励. This award is only for incoming freshmen.

黑人学者计划 is offered through the 罗切斯特城市联盟. 的 program identifies Black Scholars from school districts in Genesee, 利文斯顿, 梦露, 安大略, 奥尔良, 和韦恩县. 符合条件的学生应该在他们的申请中提到他们是黑人奖学金获得者.


美高梅mgm平台将为入学学生的家庭教会提供50%到100%的奖学金资助 最高可达1000美元.

的 level of match will be determined by the C教会伙伴委员会 upon review of documented financial need and other resources awarded. 应用程序可用 在线 通过 Office of Student Financial Services.


Pillar 奖助金 are awarded to students based on the work, 成就, 在他们的入学申请和论文中表现出的特点. 


  • 表现出坚定的信仰、品格、领导能力和服务的一个或多个特征:
    • 勇敢的性格, 
    • 准备好领导, 
    • 繁荣的社区, 
    • 在基督里扎根 
  • Demonstrate financial need via the FAFSA
  • Be enrolled full-time (at least 12 hours)


罗伯茨纽约承诺是一项倡议,为纽约的优秀学生提供美高梅mgm平台的免学费教育,否则他们可能没有资源进入私立机构.  更多的细节.


罗伯茨与SAGE合作,帮助家庭负担得起大学学费. 通过 明智的计划, families can accrue points to guarantee institutional funding. 学费奖励积分就像飞行里程一样,只不过是为了支付大学学费!

Examples of ways families can earn scholarship dollars are:
  • Saving or investing in a 529 plan (PA only)
  • Contributing to a 401K or 403B
  • 通过参与机构购买现金价值人寿保险
  • Maintaining membership in affiliated fraternal organizations
  • 与提供资产管理的附属金融专业人士(个人或组织)合作, 合格产品销售, 年度财务审查, 研讨会或工作坊
  • 有附属机构或个人制定的大学资助计划

Learn more about how SAGE works


  1. www.tuitionrewards.com/studentdirect
  2. Register for your Student Direct account
  3. Complete your 在线 profile


作为NCAA第二部门的成员,美高梅mgm平台为有才华的学生运动员提供奖学金. Coaches decide who receives a scholarship and what it will cover.

有关体育奖学金的问题,请到工作人员目录 红鹰体育网站 to find the contact information for the Athletic Director and coaches.

All incoming athletes must be registered with the NCAA资格中心.

More Scholarship Opportunities


  1. Use a reputable scholarship 搜索 site like the ones listed below.
  2. If it sounds too good to be true or they want money upfront… Stop! 请查看 Fastweb Scholarship Scam Tip Sheet.
  3. 应用,应用,应用!  不要限制自己.  Every scholarship you receive is an investment in your education.


